- Laura Lee
Begin your renovations to refresh your look. Begin your renovations to refresh your look. You’re entering a new phase and feeling a positive change...
- Laura Lee
VIP Spirit Message for Jo: I’ve always had one foot in and one foot out our relationship. He always talks me into staying and...
- Laura Lee
VIP Spirit Message for Chris: Hi Laura. My question is in the romance vein — specifically, regret over a missed opportunity and hope for...
- Laura Lee
Meant to be ~ VIP Message; I need guidance to restore my relationship with my ex-boyfriend. We broke up five months ago after being together...
- Laura Lee
My boyfriend ~ VIP Message for Christina: Christina: I have been accepted into my doctorate of education program, beginning at the end of August. Also, I...
- Laura Lee
Trying to connect ~ VIP Message for June: Hi Laura, my question regards two issues connected to one another. The first is about a love...
- Laura Lee
VIP Message for Ally: I feel very indecisive about my work situation right now. There are many things about my current work place that I...