Open ~ Angel Message:

Be open to someone who has caused you distress. They have an important message to deliver that is intended to mend broken ties. Their communication may not be entirely clear, but they share from their heart in the best way they know-how. They are putting their best foot forward to heal from past hurt. It is in your best interest that you receive their (sentiments) sentimental gift. 

Receive their message with an open heart. Be quiet and listen carefully. Avoid blocking any attempts to make things right by needless distractions. They deserve your respect and full attention because what they have to say isn’t easy for them to share. This person is trying to find a way to reconnect out of love (does not necessarily mean romantic). They are an alley that has always been on your side, despite differences. They will prove themselves once you let them back in. 

Being open to restoring your relationship demonstrates abundance for all. There is something beneficial for this union long term. And you instinctually knew this about the other person at one time. It’s not that you believed they had something to give you or vice versa, but together, as partners, you were stronger. That memory revives when you provide the other party an opportunity for redemption. The moment is transcendental to your life. 

A young woman openly took a selfie with an identical friend from school. It changed her life by discovering she was a long lost sister and she was a stolen baby. Read in Daily Mail 

Tune into spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee for insight, guidance, and answers; LISTEN! 


Photo by Albert Rafael from Pexels

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