My boyfriend

My boyfriend ~ VIP Message for Christina:

Christina: I have been accepted into my doctorate of education program, beginning at the end of August. Also, I am finally seeing a guy I love very much, and the feeling is mutual. We have been dating for four months and eight days now! He is a very kind and giving, which I appreciate after being single for so long. The problem is his ex-wife. She does everything she can to make him feel like a piece of shit when the mood strikes her. They also have a little boy, who I just met, and I can already feel her wrath toward my boyfriend because of her jealousy of me in the little boy’s life (he turns four in a couple of weeks). I told my boyfriend I would do nothing but encourage the little boy’s relationship with his mother and also go out of my way to be kind and supportive to her. I’m not worried about myself. I can see through her vindictive words. Every time she tears him down, I build him back up. I should let you know that their divorce is not final. They split up in January, and we met in March. They have their child custody arrangements finalized and are now just going through the finances. He has been willing to part with his house equity so that his son could stay in his home. No matter how generous he is, she wants to hurt him. My question is, what can I do to best support my boyfriend through this challenging chapter of his life? 

Laura Lee: I recommend you stay out of your boyfriend’s affairs with the ex.  Let him clear up the mess he created with his ex before you get too deeply involved. You’ve come so far with your educational achievements. Don’t get dragged into his complicated situation. It is typical for parties to have explosive emotions after divorce. This problem is his, not yours. He’s a big boy, and he can take care of himself.  It is not your job to build him up. In the meantime, care and build yourself. You don’t need the brain (emotional/physical) drain while pursuing your doctorate. If you care for him, set him free to resolve his problems. I urge you to step aside until he’s done with the divorce. Otherwise, they’ll make their break up about you in which it is already progressing in that direction. It will only get worse. He has a history with his ex-wife and their son together ~ and it could hurt your relationship overall. By stepping aside, you’ll show respect for yourself and will earn his in return. If he cares for you, he’ll understand it’s not all about him and his needs.

I don’t doubt the mutual feelings you and this man have between each other. You are, however, a rebound relationship for him ~ and I know that this isn’t true for you. You’re an empathetic spirit who cares deeply for other people and want to help at the expense of yourself.

I know this is not what you intended to hear. After being a relationship guru for 1000’s of women on Zodiac Girls Radio Show; I know this is a path to avoid until it is clear. 

I don’t believe this man is in your profession or field. IF my hit is right, then this confirms my message.

I wish I had more for you, but I don’t other than a couple of angel messages that I believe apply to your situation.

I recommend the following angel messages as I believe apply to your situation;

Angel Message: FREE and or

Angel Message: PATIENCE  and or

Ask Laura Lee your VIP question


Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels

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