- Laura Lee
Recalibrate your life to be YOU. When you drop the societal labels like ‘successful,’ or job titles such as ‘manager, ‘ and stereotypical gender...
- Laura Lee
Have you ever heard a spirit praise your parenting skills? I’m thrilled to share an episode of our podcast, “You Did Good,” which will...
- Laura Lee
Hi Laura Lee! It’s time again for me to reach out to you for spiritual guidance. I know I’m at a time of significant change...
- Laura Lee
Your spirit message that there’s no backing out now; you got this! You’ve been talking the talk, walking the walk for a long time,...
- Laura Lee
VIP Spirit Message for Isabelle about a true friend: Will my friendship with Bailey be true and long-lasting? It depends on how you...
- Laura Lee
VIP Spirit Message for Lorraine: Years ago, I was told that my spirit guide said I needed to make my own decisions. Do spirit guides...
- Laura Lee
Your Spirit Message: You are loved, and you are love. Love is always around you. It’s all love. The universe holds a loving...
- Laura Lee
Your Spirit Message: Sharpen your focus on what’s most important in the New Year. Your vision is clear, and you have a keen...
- Laura Lee
A VIP Spirit Message for Rebecca: My son and I own a unit in an apartment building. It is his home. There have been...