Review ~ Angel Message: A thorough review of your past, up to the present, sets in motion needed change. An unhealthy pattern in your life...
A new you is about to rebirth. Unprecedented change is sweeping across Earth; Politically, socially, economically, and climate too. You felt this seismic shift because...
Change ~ Angel Message Change is in the air. The only constant in life is change. It’s part of our nature, just as we watch...
Open Mind
Open mind ~ Angel Message: You welcome a fresh perspective with an open mind. Having turned every stone, exhausted all ideas and tried many different...
Beginning: Angel Message for Week.  There’s a new beginning emerging for you. It should be no surprise that everyday is a new beginning. However, we...
The ‘Angel of Grace’ energizes you to accomplish what matters most ~ effortless. What seemed like an overwhelming task (or hurdle), most recently, is simply...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angels of Harmony’ sing heavenly praises over you. Up to now, things may have appeared out of sync and chaotic. It would have been...
Angel Message of Week: The ‘Angel of Adventure’ offers a welcome change in your schedule after hitting a wall (or so it seems :-). This temporary shift involves...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Tenderness’ will open your heart to be empathetic and compassionate towards another who is feeling stuck AND/OR it...
VIP Message for Ella: My parents passed within nine months of each other; Dad in June and Mom in April. Last month, our home had...