VIP Message for Madeline: I feel like I am at a major crossroad in my life. There is so much I want to achieve but I don’t know which direction to take. I also recently found out I am pregnant. I am struggling with the early symptoms of pregnancy making achieve anything seem more difficult. At the moment each day feels like an uphill struggle. I just want to know if I am going accomplish everything I feel I need to or is there something else I need to work through before this can happen? Thank in advance.
Medium Laura Lee: The only thing you need to work through Madeline is to nurture yourself and your baby. You are resisting what IS now. Listen to your body ~ it’s intuitively sending you signals to relax. Rest. You certainly won’t get back time to rest after delivery! Take tender loving care of both of you and baby. The added stress won’t do either one of you any good for your pregnancy. This is most important for your health…baby’s health. Meditate to clear your ‘monkey mind’ from all the chatter.
There is no other greater accomplishment than giving birth to a child. All the other things will rank a distant second in life. It’s also the birth to a new you. The baby is part of your journey to create about massive change in your life to propel you forward to accomplish those things you feel compelled to achieve. Some of those things won’t even seem relevant or important after having the baby (you’ll forget and maybe it will resurface later ~ if and when it is supposed to happen). She’ll be your inspiration to be your very best; A role model 🙂
Check out these Wonder Women;
Everything is as it should be. I recommend you read Angel Message for 2017; Trust
I hope this helps. Keep me posted! Bless, LL