Strengthen your will
Strengthen Your Will to Overcome Challenges   Life is full of challenges, but the truth is that you are capable of overcoming them this month....
Pennies from heaven
Hey there, wonderful souls! I’m thrilled to share some exciting insights from one of our episodes, “Pennies from heaven,” since the economy appears to be...
I feel trapped by life's circumstances.
I feel trapped. I have had a lot of losses in terms of finances, jobs, and relationships. I ask my guardian angels and holy spirit...
Have more faith
Have more faith in yourself.   Faith is trusting in what’s unseen. Rely on your inner spirit to guide what you see, feel, think, and...
Bat spirit guide
I keep seeing a lot of bats & deer; what does it mean? Liz Your keen observations of your spirit guides, Liz, are not to...
Cut loose
It’s time to cut loose.   Hang tight; there’s a deeper meaning behind this message. You’ve been isolating yourself for too long, and it’s not...
Love relationship coming
Hi Laura Lee! It’s time again for me to reach out to you for spiritual guidance. I know I’m at a time of significant change...
The cowboys gone
A spirit message about how the cowboy’s gone   Hey there, wonderful listeners! I’m thrilled to share the latest episode of tune into your spirit...
A VIP Spirit Message For Abby’s Sister, Who Wants A Sign   My mom, Caroline, died in 2017; I emailed you back then, and your...
You got this
Your spirit message that there’s no backing out now; you got this!   You’ve been talking the talk, walking the walk for a long time,...