Release ~ Angel Message
Release ~ Angel Message; Release your burdens. Carrying the extra baggage slows your pace. It also blinds you from seeing the next step before you....
let go
Let go ~ Angel Message: Let go of people, places, and things that no longer serve you, including outdated beliefs, ideas, or thoughts that don’t...
Surrender ~ Angel Message: Surrender your fears. It’s too hard carrying that weight upon your body, mind and soul. It doesn’t make you anymore important...
Angel Message; Surrender
Angel Message for Week  Surrender. Surrender your worries to the universe for transformation. When  you free your mind of burdens (self imposed blocks) you become open...
Angel Message for Week: Release, let go, past thoughts, ideas and beliefs that no longer serve you. These are troubles that circle in your head,...
Angel Messages for Week: The ‘Angel of Surrender’ stands with open arms to receive your burdens and transform them into miracles. Release them now; Visualize...
Angel Message for Month: The ‘Angel of Peace’ ushers in a calm period. This angel provides rest to our heart from all the old hubbub...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Play’ brings joy by revisiting your childlike state. Play is therapy for your mind, body and soul. The divine...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Forgiveness’ will open your heart to help you forgive. ‘Forgive them for they know not what they do’...
SURRENDER Angel Message for week 9/14: I see the ‘angel of surrender’ wave a white flag on a mountain top. I also hear the song ‘LET...