Let go ~ Angel Message:
Let go of people, places, and things that no longer serve you, including outdated beliefs, ideas, or thoughts that don’t bring you peace. There’s no value to you by carrying these burdens. They only weigh you down emotionally, mentally, and physically. They shut out the people you love and build barriers from experiencing anything new. Your ego holds onto trouble for self-preservation, convincing you it makes you stronger when in truth it makes you weaker. How do you let go? When a prevailing thought crosses your mind that brings turmoil, acknowledge its presence, and let it go by coming back to the moment. Sometimes it is better to replace the thought with something more positive such as ‘it will all work out’ or ‘we’ll find a way’ or ‘I’m bigger than this.’
Let go to free your spirit. Free from worry, your heart opens to new life experiences with people, places, and things. More often, better than you could ever dream. You momentarily discover peace, love, and joy are in your realm of possibility. Miracles appear before your eyes. There’s no struggle against what was or what is because you took charge to change the way you look at it. There’s nothing more straightforward and powerful than deciding to let go. Surrendering allows your soul rest and rejuvenation. You’ll regain strength to carry on.
Let go and let (God) the universe provide an answer or offer a better way. That is a hard concept for most to comprehend. Pretend your mind is a garden. When we purge weeds (bad thoughts), new underlying growth (new thoughts; people, places and things) has the space to grow into a beautiful flower. We tend to believe everything around us is in our control. The truth is that the only thing we control is pulling the weeds and sowing new seeds. Whenever you get bogged down with anxiety, realize that you can change it around instantly by changing your thoughts. In turn, your soul blooms open to new people, places, and things that serve your highest good.
A sign our country is letting go and healing from our past with new birth; ’A piece of joy from a day that was so drastic’: Baby born on 9/11 at 9:11 p.m.’ Read on TODAY
Tune into spirit for insight, guidance, and answers with Radio Medium Laura Lee; LISTEN!
Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels