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You got this
Your spirit message that there’s no backing out now; you got this!   You’ve been talking the talk, walking the walk for a long time,...
Spirit Story Message: Child of Yours
Spirit Story Message: Child of yours   Hello there, Radio Medium community! I hope this message finds you all in good spirits. I’m reaching out...
Spirit Story Message to Gamble on Yourself:   I’m thrilled to share an episode from The Radio Medium podcast, where we delve into the mystical...
financially savvy
A VIP Spirit Message for Rebecca:   My son and I own a unit in an apartment building. It is his home. There have been...
Spirit story message: In the darkness   I’m thrilled to share one of my latest podcast episodes, where I connected with Miss Roberta from Louisiana...
Play scripts
VIP Spirit Message for Johnathan:   Will I get any of my movie, TV, or play scripts sold? Johnathan   Your question oozes self-doubt.   ...
Forge Ahead
Your Spirit Message to Forge Ahead:   Forge ahead at full speed.   The time is now, not tomorrow. Obstacles, naysayers, and self-doubts all vanish...
Budge ~ Angel Message: You have to budge from that comfy zone to get where you’re going. Standing still, doing nothing, isn’t going to get...
Acceptance – Angel Message; Acceptance is a necessary step to heal. No matter how hard you fight, “it” exists. There are daily reminders from others....
Responsibility ~ Angel Message: You take responsibility for your role in a relationship. When it comes to concerns about love, family, friends, and or working relationship,...