My spirit guide ~Message of Love by Jen: …I can’t possibly put into words how dumbfounded and humbled I am to learn of …MY spirit...
Experience is angelic ~ Message of Love from Petra; I said my prayers then laid down to rest. When I came to, I was in a...
Angel Message for Week: Angel of Faith restores your trust and confidence in someone, something and or spirit, angels, God (any deity you call upon) ~...
VIP Message for Lindsey: Hi Laura, I would really really like to know if my current health issue will be resolved, and if it will,...
Message of Love from Leo: I thought I was cracking up yesterday when I saw an angel. It was writing something so I could read it; A...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Expectancy’ works with you this week to expect the very best outcome. You already know within your heart...
Message of Love from Lynn: I listen to music and I find it very healing. I will wake up with a certain song spinning in...
VIP Question from Ed: What do you tell people who have prayed to feel God’s love, prayed for help healing deep emotional pain, prayed for...
Message of Love Story by Frank: My father battled brain cancer for over 2 years. He was in a hospice program at home during the...