Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Birth’, better known as Archangel Gabriel, is cradling your special baby in her arms this week. Symbolically, this can mean a child needs your attention right now, your inner child needs nurturing, and or a business, idea, or project intuitively calls for you to help it grow. You know what this may mean to you, because this angel has already aligned you on this path. Solutions miraculously appear. This is very important for your well being too. Action brings you peace. You’ll find strength in spirit, giving you energy and vanishing troubles because your heart wishes it so.
This message can also mean a child that passed over or didn’t make it to full term. IF this is the case for you, Archangel Gabriel says your child is in good care with angels. When the time is right, this child’s soul will remerge again. In the meantime, take good care of yourself in preparation. Welcome your feedback. Bless, LL