Messages of Love from Linda: I believe in angels. When I spot something ‘angel’ like, such as a sign, figurine, pictures, jewelry, feathers or the even when someone says or is named ‘angel’, I feel as if my angels are watching over my path ~ as if they had brought me to that moment in time for a reason. I recently made a major move where I’m not so sure if I fit in.…I still feel uneasy in my environment. I’ve even considered a transfer back home because I have made little friendships, and keep no company, but secretly wish for this kind of connection in my new home. I’m naturally shy about these things, so I absorb myself with work to preoccupy my time. The other night, after work, I was invited to come to a dinner party. I was hesitant at first, because I don’t know anybody (very little about my host), but accepted the invitation. When I arrived at my host home, I was in awe of the large oil paintings hanging throughout their home; including many angels. I ended up having a wonderful time and made some new connections to great people. Maybe my new home isn’t that bad after all.
IF you have a story to share about angels, miracles or messages from your dearly departed or spirit guides, please email it, along with a digital image (if possible) to; [email protected]