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Choose to believe – Message of Love Story by Nancy:  Hello, Laura~ I hope your family has recovered from Covid and all is well with...
Believe ~ Angel Message
Believe in yourself. Given the pending circumstances with COVID, there’s no time to waste on thoughts that weaken your spirit. Release ideas that you’re not...
Hope ~ Angel Message;  Hope shines like a beacon of light. And it is much brighter than a shiny ray in the dark night. This...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Expect’ has you believe in the very best outcome for…. you heart knows what that IS. Reach for...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Faith’ will encourage you to believe in yourself. Trust your instincts. Previous decisions were based on inner and outer signals....
Messages of Love from Linda: I believe in angels. When I spot something ‘angel’ like, such as a sign, figurine, pictures, jewelry, feathers or the...