VIP Message for Angela: Hi, Laura, I love hearing you over radio! I was wondering if my angels have any messages for me?
Medium Laura Lee: Thank you for tuning into the show Angela. Speaking of tuning in, I’m surprised to see you ask the question, because your name beckons the heavenly realm as part of your clan 🙂 And you already know that you have several surrounding you. Listening to guidance is instinctive for you, but it seems to fall upon deaf ears in that you don’t trust and follow their messages. But, your heart knows the truth; you deeply feel other people, things, and situations. In fact, I see you seek their guidance with a lot of matters and sometimes use an angel tarot deck too for confirmation. This is all well and good, but you may over analyze your guidance. It’s pretty basic. Simply believe and follow through to see things materialize on your behalf. Don’t be so quick to throw in the towel. For instance, you may feel compelled to move towards professional pursuits in teaching and or health care but struggle because of old beliefs that no longer serve you.You are also drawn to incorporate non-traditional, alternative, practices that you fear others may consider invalid and a waste of your time. Hand over your challenges, to your higher friends, so they can show you a new way to move forward on this path. It is effortless when you ask for divine intervention to work on your behalf. You are ready for this new phase of life. Keep me posted. Bless, LL