VIP Message for Heather: My uncle passed away last weekend. He had a big family where most have crossed over. Was my dad waiting for him when he past?
Medium Laura Lee: Your uncle was indeed united with your father. As they are with their father (grandfather). As in Heaven, they are reunited on earth too; Buried in close proximity in the same state and or graves too. I see there is a military connection in the family to confirm their reunion. I also see a male step forward in black leather jacket who had had a heaviness in the heart. Suffered from heart and or lung ailment. But, I am told that this heaviness is associated to another young woman, relatively close to your age, a cousin (?), that was left behind. They may have been estranged and/or bad feelings towards one another ~ however, she needs reassurance that love is sent from the other side asking forgiveness. She would understand that music, such as yourself, sends her messages from her loved one. You can help guide her through this difficult time given you have personal experience. Keep me posted. Bless, LL