VIP Message for Mandy: Will a significant change in my career path occur in 2017?
Medium Laura Lee: Yes Amy, however the change isn’t quite what you expect. In fact, it may catch you completely off guard. You are responsible = able to respond to the situation; TRUST this change is for your highest good. This shift gives you the shove you need to fly. Go with the flow so that in time you’ll see the change is your opportunity to pursue the what you intend. It’s all up to you. If you struggle with the shift, which is natural, then ASK (this is key) for your heavenly helpers to intervene so that you do not waste any time and seize the opportunity for the long haul. You can do it. Your guides on Heaven and Earth will help up to a point, but it also requires action on your part. Your energy (mind, body and spirit) pointed in this direction will put you on path aligning you with the right people, things and resources. Watch for these signs and be grateful as this beckons more blessings (listen to 10 Daily Gratitudes podcast). This is where your heart beckons, because it comes from your guidance. Your belief in angels has drawn many to support you in this cause. This makes you intuitively connected to people and help them in a special way. You may gravitate towards volunteering, teaching, and healing (alternative too) fields. Your angels say that your prayers are being answer and come from a long introspection that may go as far back as childhood. Hope this answer gives you more insight. Keep me posted ~ Bless, LL