Recalibrate your life
Recalibrate your life to be YOU.


When you drop the societal labels like ‘successful,’ or job titles such as ‘manager, ‘ and stereotypical gender roles like ‘provider’ or ‘nurturer’ in life, there’s just you. There’s no agenda other than being authentically human; raw, quirky, unique, and unapologetically YOU. There’s no one, and will there ever be anyone like you. Being yourself is the greatest gift you can offer anyone and the world. External forces, however, have sold you on the idea that you must HAVE something, achieve something, before leveling up to ‘be’ you. The standard is often unachievable and always out of touch to be perfect. There’s no requirements and nothing to fix or obtain to gain approval. Embrace the freedom that comes from shedding any outside expectations. The truth is that you are enough and have all that you need to be you. You are loved. Shine your light and BE you.


Recalibrate your life to be a force of love.


Be mindful to choose love over fear. Fear manifests in emotional states, such as self-doubt, hate, anger, jealousy, grief, anger, and all-natural human expressions, yet a choice to remain entangled. Love is simply peace, and joy emits naturally by being. It is all encompassing and more than a fleeting feeling, romantically or the kind a child feels towards its parent or a parent extends to their child. Love is a verb that means taking action. In all scenarios, choosing to love oneself and as well as others is the highest form of service as a spiritual, divine soul having a human experience. Love attracts love and, therefore, creates. As you give love, not out of obligation or any intention of return, you will receive love from others out of grace. Then the world opens to you.


Recalibrate your life to receive love.


Love surrounds you, and it is the essence of your soul. However, its sweetness is disguised by one who lives in fear. It’s easy to find reasons the world is stacked against you. The old paradigm has you struggling, pushing, and shoving your way to the front line. Acting upon your fears wears upon the body, mind, and soul. Many maladies come from this mindset. But by consciously choosing love, being you, and serving from your soul’s center, you will see all the love and support you seek have always been there for you. When you open yourself to love, you open yourself to a world of possibilities, opportunities, and connections.


Tune into your spirit with Psychic Medium Laura Lee



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