VIP Spirit Message for Steph:
What does the next chapter of my future look like? Steph
Your future is whatever you create.
It’s up to you to get clear on what your future looks like. No one else can do that better than you. I hear your mind spinning, but you can’t focus enough to clarify your vision. You’ve done well being a mom. How about emptying your nest ~ completely? Stop worrying about your grown kid so much: he’s got it figured out if you give him room to grow! Use your newfound time to recharge by exploring your heart to see what you always wanted but didn’t have the time to do as a single mom, caretaking and working so hard that you’re bone tired. Sit down, prioritize what you value in life, and focus where your heart desires. Prioritizing you is not selfish but more about giving self-love, which is good because it’s your life!
Be open to sharing your knowledge through your gifts.
You excel at teaching, training, coaching, counseling, and advising others, where you get into your groove. While those roles are an ever-constant thread in your life, the world is changing and evolving how the field looks. You are changing, too, so it’s natural to go through another switch-up again. You may receive an offer in higher education. Your knowledge, experience, and guidance will be very appreciated. Go with it, and forge ahead.
Take more classes to earn certifications and or degrees.
You have the time to invest in you. You are gravitating and exploring your options but have yet to commit hard. Just do it already! There’s always an excuse. But, once you do, the worries and concerns disappear because you listened inward. The heart always knows! You can’t resist change. Go with the flow and continue the journey as a student because you love learning. And the best teachers are students too because they learn alongside their pupils. You know you’re on the right track when it’s scary but exciting simultaneously!
Share your time in the community to find a new network of friends.
Involve yourself in outside interests that get you off the sofa and out of the house. Sticking close to home and family won’t help you meet a new friends. You’re playing too safe! It’s time to stop looking from afar, engage in the conversation, and invite others to join you outside the house! Social engagement is necessary for thriving in your life’s next chapter.
Like you, your grandparents are your spirit guides who appreciate education. It’s in your DNA.
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