
Communication ~ Angel Message; 

You are compelled to communicate what weighs on your heart. The pressure is far too great to hold it within anymore. Let it roll off your chest by opening dialog to air grievances and fears. Exchanging information reestablishes flow for ideas and inspiration.This helps reconnect channels that were previously blocked. 

Communication leads to understanding. You don’t always know all the facts. It’s important to see things from all perspectives. Knowledge is power to help make effective decisions. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t. Concentrate on what makes most sense ~ in other words, what gives you peace. Make the necessary adjustments to move forward. Do not delay, do it now.

Communication clarifies your intention. Knowing what you want and or need leaves no room for ambiguity. By defining your intention, you set in motion change. While you don’t always get everything you want, you will get what is needed for your highest good. Forces will collaborate to bring about the support you need to achieve your objective in surprising ways. 

A perfect example for communication is by casting your vote. March to the poll without delay. Your voice counts. “Voters headed to the polls Tuesday to determine the balance of power in Washington and across the country in a midterm election that has been set up by both parties as a referendum on President Trump’s first two years in office.” Read more at Wall Street Journal

Tune into Spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee

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