It feels like the new year will bring some positive and uplifting changes for me going into the New Year! Do you see anything more specific regarding my healing work with clients and students? Thank you so much for everything you do for others. Many blessings to you! Annette
A positive mind frame is key to set forth right actions.
You know you’re off to a good start, Annette, if your frame of mind is already positively forward-thinking. We cannot expect the same return if we view our world as negatively impacted. Your optimism and energy are essential for self-care and can significantly affect you and those you help heal. Protect your sacred space by actively choosing how to spend your time to continue cultivating a cheerful outlook. Lead by example and live what you teach to connect at a deeper level with people who enter your field.
This is your year for recalibrating all that you love into your work.
You’re developing as a facilitator to help others reconnect to all things that bring them joy. For you, I see you’re growing as an animal communicator. This means you have a unique ability to understand and communicate with animals on a deeper level, not necessarily like Dr. Doolittle, but in a way that allows you to offer a grounded, real-world approach so clients can relate to your critical messages. You instinctively know you have this talent, but your work is compartmentalized from the healing practice. Whether this is unintentional or with intention, you merge the animal and human kingdoms into your domain to help facilitate healing on all levels. You’re passionate about both worlds. They are not separate parts of the self, but both bring you joy. Find ways to incorporate them into your daily practice more frequently to maintain high vibrations that take you to the next level.
Listen to what your heart longs to do with repeated signals.
Our spirit signals the heart, essential to keep the body, mind, and soul alive, but it is also intuitive. It sends us repeated visions, dreams, thoughts, or feelings. They can rise to our conscience, such as, “I wish I could bring Fido to work,” or you keep thinking, “I need to adopt a pet.” It can also come across as a desire to volunteer to help animals. Whatever it is for you, please pay attention to your thoughts and consciously integrate them with your practice to serve all, including you!
There’s a dog on the other side who helped you heal from a heartbreak, and you helped each other heal from heartbreak ~ an adopted pet. Dogs (god spelled backward) are often seen as spirit guides who teach us about unconditional love, loyalty, forgiveness, and friendship! Your dog is still teaching you these life principles. Discover them within to transform your healing practice. I hope that helps and sending you many blessings for your New Year! Laura
I recommend reading Angel Message: Empathetic
Tune into your spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee Show or Podcast