Calibrating divine time ~ VIP Message:
My co-founder and I are currently working on a new business that offers investment advisory and education around blockchain technology. I am kindly requesting assistance in calibrating to the divine timing to launch this project. If available, any further guidance regarding the project would be greatly appreciated. Ren
Dear Ren,
There is no better time than NOW to proceed with your blockchain platform – or for that matter, any business! Every moment is divine time.
Don’t wait for perfect conditions to start a business. The blockchain environment is developing at a fast pace. The need for this information is vital to many investors searching for answers to their immediate questions. Your future begins with the choices you make today.
I believe you are ‘calibrating for divine timing’ to begin your blockchain business because there’s doubt surrounding the project.
My take on ‘doubt’ is that you need more information before moving forward.
There are a few things that I pick up in the field of concern surrounding your project:
- Someone is insecure about having enough knowledge to teach the subject matter about blockchain.
- There is concern about investing enough to make your platform work and be competitive.
- The most significant sign that your educational blockchain platform has not launched is that it isn’t holding enough interest to prioritize.
Someone in the business relationship is indecisive about making a long-term commitment to proceed with the blockchain platform. Your business is not a destination point; it is a soulful journey. As you evolve, the platform develops, too. I sense that someone outgrows the platform and changes the dynamics. The financial value isn’t comparable to soul value. More essential matters take precedent because they are closer to the heart.
Pay attention to signs for launching your educational blockchain business.
It’s not hard to calibrate divine timing. Higher wisdom signals through the heart; it knows whether blockchain is or is not the right direction for you and or your partner. Whenever you feel tingly, warmth, and tenderness sensations in the heart, or butterflies of excitement, it indicates it is time to move forward immediately. On the other hand, shortness of breath, unexplained pains or aches, or burning sensations in the heart center means stepping back and re-examining the situation.
I recommend reading AUGUST ANGEL MESSAGE: VALIDATION and ANGEL MESSAGE: HOPEFUL for more insight.
Tune into your spirit for guidance with Radio Medium Laura Lee
Photo by Eugene Shelestov from Pexels