Your Spirit Message: What’s your rush all about?   Does the adrenaline of keeping busy make you feel productive or more important than the next...
Compassionate ~ Angel Message: Your heart is compassionate towards another person. There was friction between you two previously, but airing grievances explores your strained dynamic. Processing...
Renewal ~ Angel Message
Renew ~ Angel Message: Your renewed spirit is prompting a change of mind about someone (and or something) in your life. It wasn’t like a...
Balance: Angel Message
Balance ~ Angel Message; Life is a balancing act. It isn’t easy juggling your health, relationships, career, and finances on an even keel. Something always...
Spirit Transformation ~ Angel Message:  You are processing through a spiritual transformation. There’s a sense that the old way of doing things is dying on...
Adventure ~ Angel Message: Make every day a new adventure. You don’t have to cross the world to change the scenery. Shake things up with...
Tender ~ Angel Messages: Tender is your heart. You’re especially sensitive to energies at this moment in time. Surround yourself with gentle environments, including friends...
Beginning ~ Angel Message:  Today is a new beginning for you.  It doesn’t matter the goal you wish to obtain; whether it is to reach...
Transformation ~ Angel Message An inner transformation shifts your sights to the light. Things happen out of your control; it’s part of life. There’s no...
 Endurance ~ Angel Message; “Not in achievement, but in endurance, of the human soul, does it show it’s divine grandeur and alliances with the infinite.”...