Angel Message: Patience


PATIENCE~ I see an angel resting patiently, knitting, as if suggesting you go about an activity that keeps you in that zone while waiting….waiting for something  (or at least it feels like you’re waiting….like an answer?) that has you on edge. Maybe you know what that thing is…but, that edge isn’t helping speed up matters. It isn’t solving the problem for you. In fact, it seems out of your hands now…it is more or less up to someone or something else. Poking it around in your head isn’t helping much either. Instead it delays the response due to your own internal dialog ~ your fears. Your job is to find that thing ‘to do’ that will help you activate the peace zone and practice patience ~ to be in the hear and now. In turn, the thing you seek will find you…when you are at peace answers come easier ~ sometimes instantly. Should you keep this in mind and act upon the message herein, I see a group of angels dancing around in a party as if to celebrate the news to come. Keep me posted! Bless, LL

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