Angel Message: Strength


10/1 STRENGTH ~ I see an angel stand beneath a tree with arms wide open….as if to stand in one’s own power. IF you are feeling disempowered, right now, regarding a matter that you feel needs addressed with another (or institution, or looking for funding for your business, etc) this message is for you. You know what this matter is, because it keeps popping up in your head and you can’t seem to muster the strength to address it…. IF that is the case, then ask for help to restore your strength. Try this in a quiet place  1) stand with your arms wide open (preferably outside, since nature empowers you naturally ~ similar to the picture shown) and thank the heavens (or your angel) for giving you the strength to approach ‘so-and-so’ on such matters. And give thanks that, at the appropriate time, you will feel moved to communicate the message from a position of strength, but also that you deliver in a manner that is heard and received from the other party so that bridges are closed…and or the job is accomplished. You will be glad you took this challenge to prove you aren’t alone and that you can receive help by simply asking ~ and it is done. Now I see several angels dancing around in complete joy ~ because you will feel relieved that you had inner strength, as asked, and the other person/institution reciprocated in kind….Please give it a try and keep me posted! Bless,LL

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