Angel Message: Patience

Angel Message Week 2/24: Patients is a virtue; comes to mind when I see an angel quietly knitting. She has just started this project, since I see a small panel completed and much more has to be achieved before concluding the end result. But, she doesn’t quit. She patiently keeps knitting. I have an idea that it means all good things will come to those who wait. Or better said by Robert Schuller, “Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. And spring will come.” Robert Schuller. Breathe thru whatever ails you currently. While waiting for results, be spontaneous to break the concentrated energy. I see the angel leap from the chair to let the light in through a window and turn on music to help pass the time. Give yourself a break every now and then. Go for a walk, hang out with friends, or start another project to lighten things up. But, this doesn’t mean giving up your existing goal. You’re openness frees up old energy, patterns, ideas, and makes things move smoother towards your end. In fact, it may offer a fresh perspective and transitions you into something better than you anticipated. Keep me posted. Bless, LL

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