Julie from Colorado: My 94 year old aunt is in hospice right now and is very close to passing.  I have gone to see her every day this week and she has been progressively declining…her mind as sharp and witty as can be, but the earthly body is failing her.  When I have spent time with her, she has been very receptive and engaging (as much as she was able to be), though a little less each day. However, yesterday was distressing.  At one point she was in so much pain she said she wanted a shot to make her die…very, very much not like her or what our family believes in.  I would think it was the pain talking.  In the meantime while we were waiting for the nurses to give her pain medication and waiting for it to kick in, she kept saying “stranger, stranger, stranger” and she sounded scared.  At this point, she can barely whisper or talk, so to make an effort to say this makes me wonder what she was going through.  I asked her if she saw a stranger and she nodded yes and continued to say “stranger”.  Later that evening, she made the “come here” gesture with her finger and said “coming”.  I asked a couple times if someone was coming and she nodded her head yes.  When I asked who she saw, she didn’t answer.  Before I left for the evening, she was much more calm than earlier and she opened her eyes and acknowledged me talking to her by a smile, a few nods to questions, and a “love you” before I left.  We sat for a few minutes with her hands clasping mine, and I know at one point she almost laughed when I asked her to save me some jello for tomorrow when I come and visit (as jello is the only thing she has been eating and I have fed it to her a few times).  It was a very beautiful way to see her last night before I left, though my cousin asked that she not have visitors today because she has declined so much.  In any case, I was wondering about the “stranger, stranger” comments, and the sense of fear…could the Angels offer any insight?  She’s such a dear heart and I just wish there was something I could do (could have done) for her at that time. Thanks in advance and many blessings to you and your family!!

Medium Laura Lee: Regarding your sweet Aunt and the ‘stranger’ Julie, all I can say is that medication can do funky things to our spirit, mind and bodies. It is not uncommon for a loved one (real young or real old) to tap into other realms. But, medication can lower our vibe too and attract spirits (or it lowers the veil, so they can witness spirits moving about them). IF this spirit, your aunt referenced as ‘stranger’ had had been a family member from the other side, I know from experience she would recognize and rejoice their presence. And it sounds like she instinctively knows her timing is imminent by stating the fact, ‘coming’ and by sharing ‘love you’ as if to say good bye ~ if she hasn’t already before this message reaches you. I recommend you, for your own peace of mind, as well as her own spirit, is ask angels of light (and or her loved ones) to surround and protect her during the transition so that she rest in peace, love and joy. But, then again, with you already by her side, and other loving family members, she already IS ~ in good care during her passage! Sending you all love during this important time….

Julie from Colorado responds: Thank you so much for your reassuring words yesterday.  My aunt did pass yesterday morning, and my cousin said it was peaceful, thank the Lord for that.  It was a bittersweet day…bitter for our loss here, sweet for her living now among the Angels and Saints.

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