
Influence ~ Angel Message:

You yield influence wherever you go. What you say and or do impacts the people around you more than you realize. Be mindful of your thoughts, they become your words. Be ever so watchful of your words, they become your actions. Your actions, consistently, turn into habitual behavior. 

Influence by setting an example. Don’t try too hard being something you are not. Just be you. Your expertise, strengths, were developed for a reason. Concentrate more upon these areas. This is where you flourish and can make a difference in the world around you. Make the time by scheduling it into your day. Lack of time is an illusion; an excuse to not reach your fullest potential. It also means you fear your own power. Eliminate extraneous activities (thoughts too) that weaken your position. 

Your influence inspires one person and turns into many. You’ve painted a portrait in your mind of obtaining your highest, best expression, of self. Hold onto this image, close at heart, as you tread through the lowest of valley’s and strive to climb the highest peaks. Share only with those who support this vision. They’ll cheer you on to achieve that goal. Eventually, you’ll become that what you think you are. The journey will make you stronger, confident, courageous ~ influencing others to aspire their best selves too. 

Dolly Parton is legendary at influencing music and as well women. We all can’t be Dolly Parton, because there is one Dolly…you can, however, be you!  “The country musician spoke about the #MeToo and being a strong woman in the music industry.” Read More on Sky News


Contact Your Angel for Divine Guidance; Live tele-seminar Tues, Feb 26 ~ Register NOW! 

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