Breaking Out

VIP Message for Kara: I’ve been breaking out in hives like every night for almost two months. I’ve been to a doctor and had blood tests. I also saw a Chinese doctor. I’m seeing an immunologist/allergist next week too. I’m reading up on sudden hive outbreaks and many times the cause is never found. Any information you may receive would be greatly appreciated.

Medium Laura Lee: The medical community may say that as we age our body goes through physical changes. These changes can include new allergies and sensitivities to things such things as food, soaps/detergents, and dyes in clothing, etc. While I’m not a doctor, I recommend following up with  a physician to find a remedy to your symptoms. Medicine is a gift from heaven too.
However, the mind, body, and spirit connection are sometimes are overlooked in the medical community ~ although this is changing. They are usually seen separate, however, they are not. You’re a whole person; It’s all one.
From a psychic perspective, I sense you are a very sensitive being and that your hives run deeper than on surface level. They are a hidden fear, anxiety, that you haven’t acknowledged completely. In turn, you might make it bigger than it really it  is…The unattended thoughts may spiral out of control to make a mountain out of a molehill. I personally believe it is linked to your relationship(s) and not feeling completely safe and or secure. It is a reaction to unresolved hostilities (this may also go way back before the current relationship ~ maybe a family pattern that you observed) that revolve around a push and pull dynamic. Maybe you broke up but then suddenly reunite back together. At any rate, this is wreaking havoc on your nervous system by not coming to terms with the idea of what role you play in the dynamic. The thoughts regarding this relationship, can at times make you feel unsettled and uncomfortable ~ just like itching is unsettling and uncomfortable. It is time you break out of the old pattern.
 Cancel out fearful thoughts by immediately affirming the following; I am protected by thoughts of joy and peace! 
While stating this affirmation/prayer, I recommend that you visualize yourself protected in a pink (healing) bubble that has a mirror to bounce off any negative forces from you. This way, what is yours ~ is yours. And what someone else throws out is immediately dissolved 🙂 Do this exercise every day waking up and before sleeping ~ and anytime you feel any unsettled feelings concerning relationships that have that kind of tug on your soul. Hope this helps!
Let me know what the allergist found…Hope this helps. Bless, LL
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