Angel Message: Birth


BIRTH ~ Okay, I know what you’re thinking, but don’t take this one literally ~ unless you are pregnant! LOL But, I do get a couple messages here. First, I see an angel cradling a baby in her arms as if to inform us that there we are nurturing or giving ‘birth’ to an idea or maybe a business, book, project, etc…it begins as an inspired thought, dream, that keeps tugging at you. And that has turned into some form of action….with action comes fruition. The angel starts kicking around a ball with another angel where I get the sense that you’ll know what this is for you, because it will feel like ‘play’ ~ not work. Put your attention back in this direction, so you are on track. This is important, because it brings you back to the zone where everything is possible again. And everything is possible, you just forgot with daily troubles. Anything that excites you and gives you energy, strengthens your connection to spirit….the angel stops to open arms wide looking up and grateful for inner strength. Meanwhile, other problems will either fall away or be easier to find solutions, because your mind and heart open. ~ Second message, for anyone who has lost a baby and or planning a baby, I feel the angel is also stating that your baby is safely cared for in heaven and most definitely having a ball until they are ready to come into the world from a position of strength within all parties. Bless, LL

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