OPEN ~ Angel Message
Open ~ Angel Message: Be open to someone who has caused you distress. They have an important message to deliver that is intended to mend...
Open ~ Angel Message: You are open to the possibilities. Anything can happen at any moment. Trust whatever appears good or bad, that there’s always...
Angel Message for 2018: Angel of Strength gives you courage to embrace YOU. This is the year to step into your fullness; Spirit, mind and body. It’s...
Angel Messages for Week: The ‘Angel of Openness’ surrounds you in a pink orb, her aura, to protect your thoughts in peace, love and joy so that...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Integrity’ inspires you to be true to yourself ~ RESPECT (Aretha says so!); Be honest with yourself and others. Sometimes it’s...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Freedom’ opens you to receive the light’s guidance and direction. Freedom in this message means the freedom to choose ~ to...
Angel Message Week 1/19 ~ Open heart: I see that angel, again, with arms wide open (journey’s song ‘open arms’ comes to mind!) to embrace...
Angel Message for Wk 12/22 ~ OPEN: I see an angel stand before me with open arms, like she’s ready to give me/you a hug....