Open ~ Angel Message:
You are open to the possibilities. Anything can happen at any moment. Trust whatever appears good or bad, that there’s always a divine reason. It’s easy to be excited if something upside down suddenly turns right side up, but not so much if something right side up turns upside down. Remember to count your blessings, especially in tough moments, because there’s a hidden gift in it for you too. It all depends on how you look at it. Be grateful for whatever comes your way. When you surrender self-defenses, people, things and events have a way of passing through to share messages of guidance or offer support in the most unexpected, sometimes unusual and surprising ways.
Being playful opens you to receive life’s blessings. Be on the lookout for opportunities to lighten the load by having a little fun. Play isn’t only reserved for children, adults need it too ~ and regularly. Play allows you to detox, decompress, and let go. Be spontaneous to take a quick bike ride through the park, play a joke on someone, dance in the rain, play with a dog that jumps up on your leg, color for therapy, do that word puzzle, play an online video game, play tea or ball with a grandchild (child, niece/nephew, etc). Whatever it is, fully engage in the activity to take you away from your worries. Having a little fun unlocks corridors, releases blocks, helping you see the blessings in plain sight!
Being open releases trouble weighing on your heart. Being open and tormented by troubles can’t occupy the mind (heart and soul) simultaneously. It’s one or the other. What or who are you giving all your power and energy away? You have to cut yourself a break and free yourself from worrisome thoughts from time to time. It is imperative for your well being. Plus, you’ll realize that when you stop controlling people/things that sometimes they have a way working themselves out ~ naturally. We don’t always know what’s best for us, but higher realms do!
Marine biologist, Jordan See Wiig, found a playful whale led to an unexpected discovery. She told CNN reporters, “‘The whale seemed playful but our instincts said that it was also asking for help to get out of the harness.’ Fishermen off Norway’s northern coast were astonished last week when they spotted a beluga whale wearing a harness, complete with mounts for a camera,” that led to an important discovery that the “whale was ‘trained by Russian military.” READ MORE CNN
Welcome your feedback ~ bless, LL
Tune into spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee for insight, guidance and answers.