Angel Message for April 2015 ~ Spontaneity: I see an angel that appears ready to leap out into the blue sky ~ and does! It feels a bit scary at first, but also exhilarating too…almost like experiencing a roller coaster for the first time. The ‘angel of spontaneity’ will visit you this month to give you courage to leap at an opportunity. It is a good sign if you feel ‘excited’, because it presents a new adventure that you are ready to take on at this time of your life. Be gentle with yourself as you process the emotional roller coaster, because you will have moments of fear about how you will do it logistically and or how it may effect others in your life. No need to worry because it is all going to work out. I know that sounds easier said than done, but truth is you are loving supported by the divine. It is an answered prayer. I welcome your post! Bless ~ LL

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