Angel Message for Wk 3/16 ~ Power: I see an angel standing strong in the light holding a staff, donning a crown, with a heart pendant around the neck that glows a powerful light. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen the ‘Angel of Power’, but this time, the message is a bit different than previously. I get the sense that she demonstrates the power of being God’s light. And that this week, you are to own your power as a child of God. What does that mean? It means you are powerful beyond measure, magnificent and beautiful too! It means that you have the choice to live life freely and to be who you really are….now is the time to own your freedom. This week be cognizant of how you may give your power away to others by simply seeking their love or approval ~ in how you act, in how you feel, in the way you think or in the way you may speak. Be open to the process this week as this angel is working with you. This process isn’t always easy. And if you find it difficult to live up to the task, ask for the ‘angel of power’ to assist you in the process to retain your power, so that in the event you witness giving away your power, you can change the inner dynamic in the way you react or respond to others. As you claim your personal power, you gain energy, which can give you strength, courage and the clarity to march forward ~ to climb that next peak and or start that next chapter ~ or rebirth a new you just in time for spring. Bless, LL  PS I will be on air with Randi Fine on a Fine Time for Healing, Thursday, March 19 @ 10 am, to discuss this topic, ‘March in like a Lion: And own your Power!’  ~ Free Phone Readings too!


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