
Angel Messages for May 2016: The ‘Angels of Play’ will bring you opportunities this month where you’ll have time to explore the value of playing. Play isn’t just for children, but for adults too! Your playtime will include two or more people. Invest your energy in dynamics (especially when you are invited to participate) where you have fun. It is not wasted time. Play will help raise your energy, rise above the everyday problems, so that you can see beyond the blocks that have held you back. Play will free your mind and open you to new possibilities; inspiration, insights and guidance. Pay attention; Perhaps write these things down to commit them to memory. It is to expand you in the direction or your heart desires….grow your soul garden! Welcome your feedback. Bless, LL

PS Tune into A Fine Time for Healing: ‘Grow your Spirit Garden’ on Tues, May 24!

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