Shift my energy ~ VIP Message:  My youngest daughter, Joy, 31 years old, passed away in October. I feel her death was in direct response...
Trying to connect ~ VIP Message for June: Hi Laura, my question regards two issues connected to one another. The first is about a love...
Gratitude; Angel Message.  You’re feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude. By acknowledging your feelings openly, you create a positive vortex field of energy called love....
Angel Message of Week; Energy. Your energy level rebounds to turbo charge. It had recently dipped low, which is a natural part of life’s ebb and...
Angel Message: Eager
Angel Message for Week: Eager. You’re eager to dig in and do whatever’s necessary to make it happen. Even if it means getting your hands...
Angel Message for Week: Mission – You go back to chip away at a project with a renewed outlook towards your intended mission. Frustrations, set backs,...
Angel Message of February; Angel of Mission refocuses your attention upon aspirations of the heart. Many blocks, or so it seemed, prevented you from moving...
Angel Message of Week: Angel of Expectancy powers your aura with positive energy to produce miracles. Being optimistic, and hopeful, helps emit these life sparks....
VIP Message for Levi: We purchased a business that has a very bad vibe. We have 14 rooms plus a large lobby, hallway and employee...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Play’ brings joy by revisiting your childlike state. Play is therapy for your mind, body and soul. The divine...