Angel Message for week 6/6/16: The ‘Angel of Gratitude’ reminds you to be mindful of all your blessings this week. Blessings can be simple life treasures such as; breathing, waking, hearing, feeling, and seeing ~ maybe a sunrise or sunset. Maybe you get the jest? Gratitude begets more gratitude. Even if things appear chaotic, something goes amiss, or a new challenge arises ~ bless these moments instead of cursing them ~ no matter how difficult, remember that everything happens for a reason 🙂 Now, take a moment to give thanks for five things in your life. Do it every day this week. This exercise will bring you back to the moment to see the silver lining and release your grip from carrying the weight of the world. A new sense of freedom, from life burdens, ushers in a more harmonious atmosphere for you and the ones you love. Welcome your feedback! Bless, LL
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