Open ~ Angel Message: You are open to the possibilities. Anything can happen at any moment. Trust whatever appears good or bad, that there’s always...
Blessings; Angel Message Count your blessings. Focus your attention on all the good in your life. Give thanks for your health. Gives thanks for your...
Gratitude; Angel Message.  You’re feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude. By acknowledging your feelings openly, you create a positive vortex field of energy called love....
Thankful: Angel Message for Week. You are inspired and embody a thankful spirit. Being grateful for all that you’ve achieved, all that you had and...
Angel Message for June: Patience. You actively engage patience by increasing a higher threshold. Don’t lose your cool by letting others get under your skin....
Angel Message for Week: Angel of Abundance showers you with gifts. These can include anything material including money to the intangible such as a sign of good...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Gratitude’ inspires you to have a grateful outlook for all that’s happened and for what is happening now....
Angel Message for August: The ‘Angel of Spontaneity’ tears up your schedule. Be open for a twist in life’s plot. You may resist change at...
Angel Messages for Week: The ‘Angel of Openness’ surrounds you in a pink orb, her aura, to protect your thoughts in peace, love and joy so that...
Angel Message for week 6/6/16: The ‘Angel of Gratitude’ reminds you to be mindful of all your blessings this week. Blessings can be simple life treasures...