Clear ~ Angel Message: Clear past remnants to embrace life in the new decade. Let go of people and things that no longer serve your...
About the future ~ VIP Message for Lynn: What can you tell me about the future of the relationship I’m in? Laura Lee: If you have to...
Blessings; Angel Message Count your blessings. Focus your attention on all the good in your life. Give thanks for your health. Gives thanks for your...
Financial Hardship...Future?
VIP Message for Tobi; Financial hardship…future?  Tobi: Two years ago I got laid off from my job and it was a very scary experience for...
Angel Message for Week 5/23/16: The ‘Angel of Synthesis’ will make everything fall into place for you this week. It just clicks. A big rainbow is...
Angel message for week 4/4/16: The ‘Angel of Expectancy’ delivers, most likely a message, this week, that you’ve long waited, and as well needed, to hear...
Felt my soul
VIP question from Molly: A psychic once told me that if I meditated, I can access my past and my future. I wished I could see...
Angel Messages for Wk 11/17 ~ Clarity: There is an angel looking over the horizon with binoculars. With the binoculars, he sees clearly into the...