Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Spontaneity’ is going to tear up your work schedule this week. Be open for a twist in the plot. You may want to dig in your heels at first, because you’ll  reason why you cannot. But, in truth, your heart beats a resounding YES. Pay attention to internal signs; feelings of excitement, butterflies in solar plexus, goose bumps all indicate ‘Just do it!’ ~ get out of your head and go with the flow. This is especially true if you expect to see more miracles this month (angel message for August). IF you see the number 777 or spot a feather, these are tangible angel signs that you are on the right path and they got you covered. While taking this detour, you may even learn a little something about yourself living on the edge. Spontaneity is the unknown; This is where you start living life! Welcome your feedback ~ Bless, LL

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