
Angel Message for wk 10/20 ~ Responsibility: I see an angel holding the world in the palm of his hands. And I also hear the tune, ‘he’s got the whole world in his hands.’

IF you can’t remember this old hymn, let me help;
You may feel the weight of the world on you right now and or you are feeling pressured to take on more responsibility in your life. Perhaps more was added to your plate recently and it just seems hard to manage day to day. However, I feel that you wouldn’t be given this level of responsibility if you couldn’t handle it because you are not doing it alone 🙂 If you can’t see this help and still troubled, hand it all over to the ‘responsibility’ angel who comes to aid you in this time. Whatever it maybe, nothing is excluded, such as extra expenses, work, relationship, or health, etc. and see yourself hand it over to the angel to take it on for you. Then remain open to ‘how’ you are to manage the day to day flow. Trust God is in the details to seamlessly integrate this level of responsibility into your life. Then you’ll see clearly that you that possess the world in the palm of your hands. Not only to positively effect your own life, but the lives around you in ways you hadn’t imagined. Keep me posted. Bless, LL


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