
Q: Dear Laura, I’m feeling ready for love and adventure. A while back you mentioned that there is a blond around me. Is this girl, the blond at work? If not, do you see anyone else around me? Fun show. Love, Raul

A: Thanks for staying tuned in Raul. I feel you’ve done your homework on some your betrayal issues…yes? And I still see the blond  🙂 only now there maybe more than one blond that peeks interest. Aside from one at work, I see another girl at a restaurant/shop that you patron fairly regularly too…at any rate, adventure is part of the package! The kind that might challenge you out of your comfort zone.…ready to take on a different kind of relationship. Speaking of which, you ask what/who is around you and I also see a ‘bull’.  Right? I wasn’t expecting to see him standing there, so not sure if this means you are a taurus (and or she’ll be a taurus!), stubborn and inflexible, but the bull is a guide known to help you lighten up on this path to love. Also, inspire you with relationship prowess…like the bull fighter waving the red flag to the bull.  Bull’s draw new relationships, lovers or like adventures. This spirit guide wants you to grasp the ‘bull by the horns’ ~ so to speak ~ and bravely invite the blond(s) for coffee. Make it happen Raul. Keep me posted. Bless, LL

Response from Raul online: Sweet, sweet sweet dear Laura. I am a Taurus, but I also feel like new adventures are in the horizon. ‘Lighten up’ is something I am improving upon. Thank you so much 🙂 

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