Angel Message for week 4/28: I see an angel with a crown and staff that has a regal presence. She projects a royal persona, fitting of a king/queen, over her dominion. This is the attitude she exudes by remaining connected to her source. This is the attitude you (or choose to) embody this week when you make a shift, whether it is conscious choice or subconscious transition, from a place of victim, where you’ve been motivated to act from a place of fear, to move to a position of power, where you are motivated to act from strength because you’ve made a decision based on circumstances. It’s a higher frequency, or positive energy, than you’ve previously possessed. When you make this energetic shift, you will see things start to click, quicken or pick up pace for you in areas that seemed rather stagnant or slow moving. Others can rally around this direction for you. Positive energies feed off one another ushering in enthusiasm in this direction. According to this angel, there will be a joyous occasion as I see three people (parties) that your decision effects. Again, this message follows previous threads based on April’s topic of ‘grace’. Understand that this week, as previous weeks, you are being moved by grace. Keep me posted. Bless, LL

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