Message of Love from Jo; My father John passed many years ago. Two years ago my mother, Christine, was having a slow head bleed because she was on coumadin, which is a blood thinning drug. But we did not know this. Her symptoms were vague and not out of the ordinary. One night, I was home and I have a 911 poster taped to my refrigerator. Suddenly it kept falling on the floor. I kept taping it back up but it was like someone was throwing it on the floor. I discovered that this was my father trying to tell us about my mother. I finally got it and we took my mother to the hospital the next day. She almost died. But she’s fine now and I’ll always be grateful for him saving her life.
IF you have a story to share about angels, miracles or messages from your dearly departed (guides), please email it, along with a digital image (if possible), and song dedication to; [email protected]