
Change ~ Angel Message:

You make a change. No matter what it is, however large or small, it is significant enough to make a difference. The shift is slightly uncomfortable at first because you’re not used to your new regime. In time, you’ll make a permanent adjustment and happy you did.

The number 555(5) and or 999(9) are signs of change. You may recognize these sequences connected to a phone number, license plate, billboards, documents, etc. 555(or multiple 5’s) signifies change is happening in your field. 999 (and or repeated 9’s) indicates that an old way is ending, and a new phase is about to begin. Another person can also share a message that a transition is taking place. Neither bad nor good, this shift is necessary for your higher good.

Change is part of life. There is no way to get around it. Sometimes there are developments in and around our environment, that we have no control over, but can impact your life experience. You, however, have the freedom and personal power to respond in any number of ways. If you’re unsure which direction is best, surrender to the higher power by asking the best course of action and implement straight away.

Did you know that your brain changes daily? It shrinks as you age. Here are ways you can reverse the effects of time. Read Newsweek

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