Wholeness ~ Angel Messages:
Concentrate on your wholeness. To fully operate in the world, integrate all parts of self, such as your emotional, mental, and physical state. You’re already whole, but sometimes it’s easy to overlook one part for another. The father (mental), the mother (spiritual), and the child (physical) are the holy trinity that exists within you. When all three components harmonize, it’s the sacred key to realizing your full potential.
Wholeness achieves life balance. Some people operate using only their intellect to manage daily affairs (mental/masculine self). Equally, some people make decisions based on their emotional state (spiritual/feminine self). Yet, others focus on their physical reality as all there is. There’s no judgment held against you for celebrating one part over another. It’s also easy to compartmentalize when you identify as either female or male. However, you hold yourself back from achieving what’s best by neglecting one or more pieces of self. Remaining centered, accessing all of your inner resources, makes it easier to navigate life’s curveballs.
Wholeness brings about abundance. It’s hard to be spiritual when you seek necessities such as shelter or food. And it’s also hard to carry on when you have the entire world but have no love. There’s no shame in wanting more money, love connections, increased health, or being passionate about your life. Everything you ever want or need is already within grasp. The masculine and feminine, two halves of self, are a powerful creative force to bring about the child (manifestation). All joined together; your survival rate increases too. Unify by taking tender loving care of self; care for your physical well being, allow your emotions to flow, and tap into your intellect. Unify to enrich your life and miracles will appear out of difficulties.
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