Beauty ~ Angel Message: You recognize beauty by a single moment. As ugly as it may appear, at times, there is something to be said...
Angel Message for Week: The “Angel of Spontaneity’ presents an opportunity to divert from your normal schedule (or, for those of you more stubborn, knocked off...
Angel Message for week 5/9/16: The ‘Angel of Light’ will shine bright upon a matter of heart this week to make it clear and more...
Angel Message for February: The ‘Angel of Grace’ weaves in and out of your life this month to show you beauty where you once saw...
Angel Message for wk 9/29 ~ Beauty: There is an angel that will tap her magic wand over your life this week to help you see...
Angel Message for Week 4/14: Beauty ~ See an angel blowing dandelion seeds and watching them fly, which is making the landscape more beautiful, colorful...