Angel Messages for Week 5/19; Willingness ~ I see an angel rolling up her sleeves, plunging her hands into a sink full of dishes and starts washing them. She is ‘willing’, and or ready, to do the work. She’s neither happy or sad, but rather content, or even peaceful, working towards her goal. This week you begin roll up your sleeves to do the work. Your willingness restores balance, peace of heart, because you know what needs to be done to move forward. And you are ready to just do it. Fortunately, there maybe an earth angel, someone by your side, to help guide your steps. All and all, your movement actually makes you feel good, more empowered, and happy to be on course towards a direction you’ve intended for a long while. In fact, you are becoming more clear of your vision by doing the work. And all this is in part of your journey, this month (reread May Angel Message), to be grateful where you are currently. Perhaps this little mantra will help you proceed to do the work this week; I am grateful to be provided the necessary resources (emotionally mentally and physically) to be guided on my life course. I welcome your updates! Bless, LL

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