Angel Message for week: The ‘Angel of Understanding’ will help you receive clarity on a prevailing problem that has plagued your heart for a long while. “Seek to understand, then to be understood.” Stephen Covey ~ The first step to solve a problem is being aware that it exist. You are aware that it exist, but clueless at how to resolve it. You might have prayed about it or spoke openly to others about the situation, more than once, to seek solutions and or a resolution. This Angel will take you on an adventure this week to probe this matter deeper within you. You have support with each and every step of the way. This will be exciting and scary at the same time; conflicting emotions means something is working its way up to the surface. Pay attention and be a careful observer this week by listening, reading, watching your surroundings ~ write down your daydreams or dreams for insights. I believe you’ll finally make peace with it ~ and know what to do by the end of the week. Welcome your feedback ~ Bless, LL
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