Angel Message for March 2015: TENDERNESS ~ I see an angel tenderly petting a black cat. The black cat isn’t a bad omen, but a a guide to help us find balance between our independent nature and our togetherness with others so that we can embark on a journey of self discovery. It is especially important that we take a time out, now and then, to reflect and find harmony between our inner light and shadow part of self. To take responsibility for our lives that include the past and present day. I see the angel crying, while she pet the cat. I have a sense that her message is more about restoring your soul with balance. And sometimes it is necessary that we purge some of those old beliefs, memories, and patterns that no longer serve us in order to grow: spiritually, mentally and physically too.This month is all about not neglecting the most important person in your life: you ~ And give yourself the gift of TLC. By months end, you’ll be happy you took some ‘me’ time to restore that spring in your step! Spring break here we come! Speaking of which, be sure to tune into the radio show on A FINE TIME with HEALING on March 19. We will discuss how to own your power by Marching in like a lion! Roar! Keep me posted! Bless LL
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